IMAT M. Sc./ M. Eng. Applicants:
IMAT Applicant_Application Form_For Registrar’s Office
IMAT Applicant_Recommendation Letter_Template
IMAT Applicant_Guidelines for IMAT Master´s Thesis Research Proposal
IMAT Master of Science | Module Handbook, Curriculum and Examination Regulations:
IMAT M. Sc. Study Program_Connecting the dots_POSTER
1. M. Sc. Students enrolled from Winter Semester 2021 onwards:
IMAT M. Sc. Module Handbook_Enrolment October 2021
IMAT M. Sc. Curriculum_Enrolment October 2021
IMAT M. Sc. Degree Program_Examination Regulations_English_April 2021
IMAT M. Sc. Degree Program_Examination Regulations_German_April 2021
IMAT M. Sc. Accreditation Certificate_2020
2. M. Sc. Students enrolled prior to Winter Semester 2021:
IMAT M. Sc. Module Handbook_Enrolment Prior to October 2021
IMAT M. Sc. Curriculum_Enrolment Prior to October 2021
IMAT M. Sc. Accreditation Certificate_2020
IMAT Master of Engineering | Module Handbook, Curriculum and Examination Regulations:
IMAT M. Eng. Study Program_Connecting the dots_POSTER
1. M. Eng. Students enrolled from Winter Semester 2021 onwards:
IMAT M. Eng. Module Handbook_Enrolment 2021
IMAT M. Eng. Curriculum_Enrolment October 2021
IMAT M. Eng. Degree Program_Examination Regulations_English_April 2021
IMAT M. Eng. Degree Program_Examination Regulations_German_April 2021
IMAT M. Eng. Accreditation Certificate_2020
2. M. Eng. Students enrolled prior to Winter Semester 2021:
IMAT M. Eng. Module Handbook_Enrolment Prior to October 2021
IMAT M. Eng. Curriculum_Enrolment Prior to October 2021
General Examination Guidelines | Trier University of Applied Sciences:
General Examination Guidelines for Degree Programs_German_May 2023
General Examination Guidelines for Degree Programs_Reading Version_German_May 2023
General Examination Guidelines for Degree Programs_Reading Version_English_May 2023
IMAT M. Sc./ M. Eng. Internships:
IMAT Master_Internship Guidelines (including the specifics of the internship report)
IMAT Master_Internship Registration
IMAT M. Sc./ M. Eng. Thesis Registration:
IMAT Master´s Thesis Registration
IMAT M. Sc./ M. Eng. Technical Paper and Master’s Thesis Templates:
Note: Below IMAT Technical Paper/Master´s Thesis Template is a support framework for all IMAT academic deliverables. Regarding the thesis template, students are strongly advised to ask their master´s thesis first supervisor whether they can use this specific template, edit it, or use any other recommended template. Regardless, the IMAT master´s thesis must have all the required key elements.
IMAT Technical Paper/Master´s Thesis Template (PDF Format)
IMAT Technical Paper/Master´s Thesis Template (DOCX Format)
IMAT Tuition Fees Scheme:
IMAT Master_Tuition Fees Scheme_English
IMAT Master_Tuition Fees Scheme_German