IMAT in Brazil

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Master programme German-Brazilian Dual Degree Masters´s programme in International Material Flow Management (IMAT Brazil)
Degrees Master of Engineering (M. Eng.) from the Universidade Positivo, Brazil
Master of Engineering (M. Eng.) from the University of Applied Sciences Trier, Germany
Starting date Three terms per year, starting March, June, and September
Duration 4 semesters (full time)
Credits 120 ECTS
Language English and Portuguese
Established since February 2005
Accreditation Capes
Application deadlines Application is an ongoing process – no application deadlines – terms start in March, June and September
Fees and costs Total Tuition/Programme Fee: R$79,200
Tuitions per semester: R$19,800 (9 installments of $R2,200)
Enrollment Fee at Trier University of Applied Sciences: approx. 230 EUR each semester during the 3rd and 4th semester
Approx. living expenses in Germany (3rd and 4th semester): 850 EUR per month
Scholarships/loans There are various scholarships available for the IMAT masters programme. Detailed information on the IMAT tuition fee reduction and scholarship system, you will find here.
Admission requirements Good English skills, as well as a completed undergraduate Bachelor degree. For detailed information click here.
Visa Information Please ask your nearest Brazilian Consulate or equivalent institution
Health insurance Students are required to hold a health insurance that covers their health expenses during their studies at Universidade Positivo.
Enrollment Please check the UP Enrollment procedure here.


If you have a strong interest in developing new business solutions in the field of environmental management and technologies and hold a bachelor degree or equivalent, please apply now! Satisfying our admission criteria is the first step to a successful application! For more information regarding the admission requirements, please refer to the information below.

Admission requirements at UP

The Admission Committee considers past academic performance, work and life experience, intellectual ability and other non-quantifiable qualities, such as motivation, self-confidence, leadership, and the ability to cooperate with others while evaluating your application.
Any kind of professional or extracurricular leadership experience, especially if international in nature, is highly regarded.

As a guide, to be eligible to apply for IMAT Brazil you should have:
– Proficient English language skills,
– Completed an undergraduate Bachelor Degree or equivalent from a recognized institution.

The following documents must be submitted by mail after you fill in your online application:
– Copy of undergraduate certificate/diploma
– Academic transcripts
– Proof of English proficiency
– Research plan (max. 10 pages)
– Curriculum vitae
– Personal statement – motivation for applying and future plans (max. 4 pages).

Please e-mail this information to:
For more information on the IMAT at Universidade Positivo please visit the UP IMAT page.

Important information for all IMAT Brazil students
Since Summer semester 2010, the reenrolment details are communicated to the students through ECB homepage only. There will be no written letter to the students asking them to reenrol. Please check the ECB homepage for further information.

Students possessing German bank accounts can transfer the money via e-banking by following the respective instructions of their bank.

Program Coordinator:
Prof. Mario Sergio Michaliszyn, PhD

Dr. Mario Sergio Michaliszyn completed his doctorate in Social Sciences – Anthropology, at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo in 1999. He has been a professor in higher education since 1986 and is currently a professor at Universidade Positivo, where he serves as Coordinator of the Graduate Environmental Management. He works in the areas of environmental sciences, environmental education, and anthropology. His research and publications have focused on sustainable development, health education, environmental education, teaching and learning, and traditional populations.

Universidade Positivo
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gestão Ambiental
Av. Prof. Pedro Viriato Parigot de Souza, 5300
81280-330 Curitiba – PR

For more information, please visit UP IMAT Program Page.